Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today is one of my friend's birthday. So, a bunch of us went and celebrate her birthday. She was there as well cause she's the one who sort of organized this party. Went to Genting Klang, Setapak to have a dinner. Supposingly we're supposed to head to Yuen's Steamboat in Sunway but because due to someone, the plan has changed and yet we still have our steamboat dinner at Genting Klang, it's at a restaurant called "Lok-Lok King". OK, environment of the restaurant sucks to the max, comepletely follow Sushi King's style where you have the rotating for you to select your favourite food to cook and there aren't much variety of food there and it's taste bad! Really really bad...!
After that, we gave the birthday girl a surprise, gave her a surprise bday cake and then sing a birthday song for her. She's touched and then tears start falling from her eyes when she's taking pic with each and everyone who attended the dinner.

After that, i can't stay long as i have to rush home to finish off my annual report. So, i'm the first one to leave. Well,at that time i wasn't really that happy at all, quite moody, don't know why. The feeling just somehow came. I somehow regreted of going there but i had to go as it's my friend's bday. Lots of things start popping out of my bloody mind while i was driving home alone. Went home, took a nice hot shower and get on with my work but somehow my mind still thinks of her. I thought i could get rid of it but HELL NO! Urgh... this memory just drives me crazy and i'm quite pissed at myself.

I was looking back at something which she gave to me and there's a song which meant alot to me which represents my love for her. Everytime when the song is playing on my playlist, my mind eventually will drift towards her. My heart was aching and i felt quite sad. I regret never listen to my bestie, she told me to get to know her more then only see whether is it suitable to continue. Well, at that time i did thought about it but then, feeling can make someone out of control. It was a mistake to love her, it was a mistake to make the first move on that day itself and i regret of doing so! It was really really a big mistake to asked her out on that very special day!!! What was i thinking? I just think that it's all a mistake from the begining. I believe that feelings can grow by time and it does. From a minor one to a major one. Well, that's me. Lots of things which makes me recalling her. I don't know why past memories still haunts me, how i wish memories can be erase and so does feelings so i won't suffer so much right now. I rather lose such memories rather than suffering right now! It's already few months and yet somehow there are some remainings.

Sigh, that's why i told myself, if there will be another one coming soon, it will be a fun one and not a serious one. I'm sick of being loyal and being too loyal might get myself into lots of trouble. They say librans are the most loyal ones to their loved one, i guess it's somehow true? Am i one of them? trying not to be one... it sucks.. it seriously does. I'm done with it. Can someone help me erase all the sad and painful memories?


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