Saturday, July 7, 2007

night guardian or just an owl?

zeon is currently listening to:
check out time by tupac shakur

katrina by david tao
walking after you by foo fighters
Beautiful Things (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) by DJ Tiesto

Well, been sleeping a lot lately and my sleeping time is really really a heck! This whole entire week, i almost sleep at 7am in the morning due to long noon nap. Sigh... i stay up the whole night and today i tried to go to sleep but it's already 7am and yet i'm so so awake! I got so frustrated and gave up sleeping. Went downstairs and watch TV had breakfast with my mom. Skip replacement class today as i know i'll defintely fall asleep while the lecturer is lecturing. So, no point wasting my time going all the way to sunway just to fall asleep in class and also to waste the petrol too. -_-" my car really consume lots of petrol. I just pumped full tank on thurs before going to college. And then at night went to Maison and yesterday i went to Lap Soon at Section17 to print some stuff for my packaging design and then head straight to 1U to have lunch with my friend. And went home. And i realised that my petrol consumed at least RM15-RM20 by just travelling to these few places and my car's only 1.0 auto. Geez... damn!

Last thursday night went clubbing at Maison with my buddy and his friends. Well, at first we're supposed to enter Velvet but then they're playing house music which my friends don't quite like it but i don't mind as i kinda like it. So, we headed to Maison and it's just so damn packed as usual on Thursday night. Can't get a table that night but only to stand and hang out at the bar area upstairs. As usual, lots of chun chicks were there but it's not my turn to get to know them as i'm not really that attractive. But it's fun tho. Went to the podium to dance but it's just so damn packed that we're bumping onto each other and people are pushing here and there. URGH! my buddy almost got into a fist fight as 1 of the kid aged around 18-19 was complaining to my friend that he had pushed him. It wasn't my buddy's fault at all, it's the people behind him which are pushing him and that's why he bump onto him. And the worst thing is, he needed damn bloody many space to dance. Brainless kid.. sigh... inmature b*stard! The purpose of going clubbing is just to have fun, enjoy with friends and maybe pick up some chicks if you're a good and not to find trouble with you...! Use your head and think, well unless you don't have a brain for you to think. Then too bad la.

Same thing that night, just right out of Maison there's some quarreling la, tho i don't know what's the problem but i can tell it's defintely someone got drunk and trying to find some trouble la, just like what my buddy encounter that night.

Well, same thing, almost got drunk but then i'm still able to drive home unlike the previous week were i couldn't really drive at all tho i now i could but better not la as i had to fetch 2 people home. So, yea. hahahaha... Now, gotta get back to work only and no more clubbing on thursday night as i had to rushed friday's work and i can tell you every thursday i'll definitely don't have enough of sleeping time. Sigh... can only club on Saturday night but i don't mind as my friend said Saturday night at Velvet is quite happening. Haven't really been to Velvet as i'm underage, but i don't think it's a problem as long as you dress matured. Tho i could dress maturely but my face, babyface. Urgh... i don't want to have a babyface. It's like you're 22 and people though that you're 20 only. Aiya.. geez... not a good sign.

Anyway... i'm kinda sleepy right now, better get a short noon nap. Hopefully it's a short one.

zeon signing off, peace out

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