Wednesday, July 25, 2007

the sweet sound of rain drops

ahh... the sweet sound of the rain drops... such a melodic tune. I guess it's raining season lately and that's why it's been raining cats and dogs. How i wish the ceiling in my room is transparent and when it rains at night or anytime of the day, i could just watch the rain drops falling onto the transparent glass and while listening to some good music, ain't that such a wonderful and superb feeling? i just lurve when it rains, maybe it's the gloomy feeling when it rains, i find it quite unique, it's hard to explain in words.. =P

For me, the best time is when it rains in the middle of the night, and i'm all alone inside the car, parked at the side of the highway, listening to some music and also the sound of the rain drops falling onto your car, the feeling is just awesome. Somehow it also brings lonely, serene, relaxing and gloomy feeling but it's nice! very very nice...! it's been a while i didn't try... sigh

Somehow i find it romantic at the same time but i don't think some people might think so, they might think it's really weird. I had a friend who understand how i feel, she's not weird, but she's pretty, really really pretty. Ahaha...

I wanna try walking in the rain, i wonder how it feels. Cause nobody could see me crying in the rain... hopefully while i'm walking i won't get struck by lightning, very easy to get strucked when u're walking in an open field. Dangerous... but i guess the feeling is nice tho? =P

3 more weeks to go and i'm really done with TOA, been spending my whole damn 3 lifeless years at TOA. It's really really lifeless when you wanna go and hang out with friends at night but you're just bounded to your bloody assignments. Sigh.. what a nice turn off could that be... =(

Furthermore, i'm in my graduation mood already, don't have the feeling to do my work at all, been slacking for the whole damn semester. =( But anyway.. i hope i won't fail any of the subjects this sem, if not... shit!

Finally, i can graduate. But the sad thing is, this is the second time i'm attending a graduation ceremony, the first time was in Taylor's. =) URGH... i just miss my happy times at Taylor's. Sigh... growing up and getting old each year. =(

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