Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today's really a tiring day. Went for a photo shoot today. Gosh. i've been waiting for my other friends to arrive and it took me around 2 hours just to wait for them to arrive and it's because of some miscommunication. Not my fault, it's the other fela who arrange the damn time for us. Gosh... anyway, i can't believe i've done those pose and stuff. Furthermore, it's my first time taking doing a photoshoot, that's why my facial expression is quite stiff and so does my body too. >.<" Eek! Hahaha...That's what the photographer and make up artists said while they're taking my photos -_-"

Wanna try to be a model and see what it feels like to be a model, not that easy after today's lesson. Gosh, first, they have to trim my eyebrow -_-", next they have to put make up on me! and the worst thing is, they use some temporary hair colored spray and make my hair to look like a "lala" guy. -_-" damn it wey! Then they even use the hair spray to make my harden my hair, my hair habis wey... i've already had a dry and damaged hair, and now they made it even worst T_T

After putting the make up and stuffs, it's just so not me man! It's completely another person and the worst part of putting the make up was they make me look like those goth fela and yet kinda punk -_-" weird.. really really weird, ARGH... anyhow, it's fun tho, ahahaha! When they use some powder to cover my dark circles, realized that my eyes are kinda sensitives, tears starts to pop out when they brush it -_-"

sigh... anyhow...i'm a freeman now. I've finally completely my 3yrs of studies at TOA. Kinda miss my classmates as i won't see them anymore, lol. Finally, time to look for a job now >.<"

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