Tuesday, October 28, 2008


oh shit... i can't freaking play the guitar anymore. FUCK FUCK FUCK! Just now while i was playg my suitemate's guitar, my mind was totally blank. I can't freakin' remember those songs that i used to play all the time. OH GOSH! BOO HOO! I miss my guitars back home, i wanted to bring them along but my parents forbid me as they say i have lots of things to carry over to the States, which is true; but i love my guitar so much! DARN it, now i can't play my guitar nand i dare not to play my suitemate's guitar so much as i'm afraid i might break it as it isn't mine! SOB SOB.
ah... the good o' memories of me jamming my guitar in my room! Forget that darn hair, it took me almost 20-30mins to comb that bloody hair and i no longer comb that hair tho. XD


Abby Heng said...

lol miss ur guitar? buy new one ter lah...haha...if u too rich, u can ask for DHL to help u geh. tsk tsk tsk they deliver carefully. hahaha ehhh what happen to tat hair? OMG, learn from dragon ball? hahaha i rely tak tahan sial, must write something to shoot u here. that hair rely...hahahhaa +.+"" omg ...

Pink said...

HAHAHHHAA that hair! omg cannot stop laughing when i look at it. LOL

lucky when u go out with us never comb that hair if not im sure me, abby and angel will pull all your hair out =.= hahahaha