Well, i have the opportunity to travel to Italy to do a semester over there, which of course, offered by my college. I was wondering where should i go? I love going over to Venice and so happen that there's a campus located over there. Now, wouldn't that be great? I've always wanted to go to Venice as Venic is one of my dream place =) Besides, my dad had approved too. so, what am i waiting for? all i need is to get my visa done, get a GPA of 2.8 and above and Italy, HERE I COME! wee..... =)

look how beautiful Venice is! oh gosh... i really wanted to go there. =)
my second choice would be Rome. Another place which i would love to travel there in Italy.

Well, there seem to be some chemistry going on in my heart. Hrm, to be honest, i surrender. I give up. Well, it's been quite some time since i had such chemistry going on. Oh well, it's just a transient chemistry. So, what the heck? Well, the song whch best describe such chemistry is as below
沉默玩具 by Gary曹格
變成了一個影 隱藏了自己
愛情困難呼吸 我是沉默玩具
執著對你無限情 模糊我自己
不願升上白旗 輸了你的遊戲
你和他 對街擁抱 我看到
為什麼愛上你的人 是我
為什麼一廂情願的人 會難過
為什麼對你捨不得的 總是我
愛上你 需要那真情意
寂寞天天不休息 讓甜蜜全也忘記
幸福不再美麗 可是我會在意
執著對你無限情 模糊我自己
不願升上白旗 輸了你的遊戲
你和他 對街擁抱 我看到
為什麼愛上你的人 是我
為什麼一廂情願的人 會難過
為什麼對你捨不得的 總是我
愛上你 需要那真情意
為什麼對你捨不得的 總是我
愛上你 需要那真情意
為什麼對你捨不得的 總是我
愛上你 需要那真情意
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