Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Classic Movies

It seems that lately i've been watching alot of classic movies as in not those blakc and white movies, urgh.. hate those. What i'm saying is those 80s-90s hit movies that i used to watch them when i was a lil' dude. Been watching movies like Robocop, TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Apollo 13, Superman & Ghostbusters. Will be watching Terminator or Batman or maybe something else =P. It does bring back lots of good memories and i can remember those scenes too. XD
Well, funny thing is, i don't have any pictures of watchin Robocop 3 when i was young. Did i missed it? or my parents never bring me to the movies? hrm...
Anyway, i kinda like this song below:

借火 by Juno 麥浚龍
剛剛要去便利店裡 為著香煙無人點火
就算不說一句都很清楚 雙方都經過太多
只要接近別無期望 夜了看電視的光
只要我們不問為何 然後直至忘記誰是我
一起靜靜的過 不需要太認識我

不渴望 你不要令我多幾多渴望
你只要為我點一點火 然後讓我此刻至少可度過
我可以令你差不多有快樂 我可以為你點一點火
然後望你輪廓 不講甚麼悲壯 不想甚麼沮喪

天天要看琉璃鏡裡 為著不想重頭愛過
就算不說一句都很清楚 雙方都經過太多
只要接近別無期望 餓了喝外賣的湯
一起靜靜的過 不需要太認識我

不渴望 你不要令我多幾多渴望
你只要為我點一點火 然後讓我倦了倦了就如煙照樣浮過 
飄過 根本最好就是忘我
別再笨 別再傻 半支煙勝過殘破的天國
可以令你差不多有快樂 我可以令你差不多傷疤會脫落
我可以為你點一點火 然後伴我亂了亂了就如仙最好燒過
燒過 根本只要煙圈在面前轉過就會忘我
不管甚麼好結果 不想甚麼沮喪


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